Friday, February 23, 2024

The Silencing of American Anti-War Voices

The Silencing of American Anti-War Voices 

"Shock and Awe" that devastated Baghdad, Iraq in 2003
Throughout history, mankind has made many attempts at making war a thing of the past.  There have been treaties, alliances, arranged marriages, and agreements, yet none of these measures have succeeded in bringing about world peace.  Admittedly, such agreements do typically delay war, but they have often failed to prevent it completely.  One such example is the Treaty of Versailles that brought about the end of World War One.  In spite of its initial success, many historians have speculated that the conditions and policies of that treaty would inevitably play a role in sparking World War Two as frustrated Germans sought to reconstruct their infrastructure and national identity.  So, could World War Two, perhaps the most horrific war in human history, have been prevented through policy?  Could all wars be prevented, or is it human nature to seek domination over those we deem different than ourselves?  

A painting of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles

The current state of our world has many people asking such questions, as innocent children are obliterated by bombs and entire cities are wiped out with catastrophic weapons.  Everyday, there is a different news story telling of horrific devastation oceans over, sparking anger and grief among people here in the United States.  Yet here, we face no such dangers.  From the happy comfort of our own homes, we can watch videos of grisly warfare aboard without feeling the threat ourselves.  From this snug and secure perspective, it is easy to become caught up in the drama of overseas warfare without a full awareness of its consequences.  When politicians demand justice for ravaged nations that most Americans couldn’t even identify on a map, so many of our nation’s citizens blindly pledge their support to the cause.  But why?  And why would politicians advocate for such wars to begin with? 

Greed.  It lies at the core of nearly every politician’s motives.  The desire for power, money, and control drives people to manipulate the masses.  If the atrocities of war are required for a politician to gain a dollar, a vote, or a little more influence, they will push for war with every ounce of their authority.  Some politicians will attempt to create a “crisis” to gain popularity or create a sense of unity among voters.  Others will use the tragedy of war to their own advantage, investing large amounts of money into defense corporations.  

Political cartoon critical of America's involvement in the war between Ukraine and Russia 

Mainstream media also plays into this endless cycle of overseas conflict.  Peace isn’t exciting and doesn’t draw viewers, so war is an essential part of keeping ratings high.  Additionally, reporting on domestic (non-violent) conflict can be very valuable to news corporations.  The drama between politicians attracts the attention of many Americans, who will largely turn to the mainstream media to be educated on current events.  Sensationalist stories keep the mainstream media alive, so the media won’t oppose a new war that will help them maintain their ratings and gain new viewers.  Therefore, the media, with its mass influence, will advocate for war, gathering support for overseas conflicts as well as their own companies.  

In turn, the voices of anti-war advocates are often drowned out by both social justice warriors and the mainstream media outlets who influence them.  When people are handed an emotionally charged news story, they will typically act in an emotionally charged way instead of fully considering the devastating consequences of war.  Most Americans get their news from the mainstream media with its manipulative biases instead of seeking out basic facts because it is simply easier to be comfortably ignorant.  Therefore, they will be influenced to give their support and tax money to make weapons of mass destruction that will be unleashed on innocent people on another continent.  

Artistic image critical of the mainstream media's influence over ordinary citizens

In our current society, it is more important than ever before to listen to anti-war voices and consider their points.  Wars are all too easy to start and require a level of diplomacy to end that is becoming more and more uncommon among our leaders.  The consequences of war are appaling, and most citizens don’t intend to spread violence through their votes, social media posts, or tax dollars.  However, they will continue to do just that if they allow themselves to be influenced by the mainstream media instead of thinking independently and critically.  

Credit to and and,that%20ended%20World%20War%20I. and

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