Thursday, February 22, 2024

Reflections on Paper and Its Impact

Reflections on Paper and its Impact 

Paper is an essential invention to people across the globe

Even in the digital age, paper is an essential part of commerce, media, education, bureaucracy, and virtually all other faucets of our lives.  Each day, we take for granted the centuries of innovation that were necessary to make the paper that we now regard as “simple“ and “old fashioned.“  Prior to my enrollment in this class, I had only a rough idea of how paper came into existence and then gradually shifted into a common, everyday item.  In my world history class, my teacher had briefly mentioned the ancient Egyptians inventing papyrus and using it for records, messages, and increasing government efficiency.  Beyond those vague visions of Egyptian scribes, I had no knowledge of the origins of paper.  

Cai Lun

However, in this class, I was presented with a surprising piece of information.  Paper, as we know it today, has its origins in ancient China, on a separate continent than I was once led to believe.  I felt confused to hear Maddie speak of Cai Lun, who was a Chinese court official and the innovator behind paper.  To me, it almost seemed that something as common as paper shouldn’t have an inventor, as we are so far removed from the time when paper did not exist.  If anything, my visions of paper’s birth involved Egyptian workers beating papyrus plants into pulp.  The idea of paper being invented by a man of status and wealth felt completely foreign.

Early paper making machine

What caught me even more off guard, however, was learning that the paper making process was not automated until 1799.  This means that as a country, the United States is older than the first paper making machine.  Since paper has been in existence since almost the time of Christ, I was surprised to learn how long it took for the manufacturing of paper to be done via machine.  

This EOTO presentation showed me how ignorant I was of the origins of paper but also corrected my misconceptions surrounding the subject.  Maddie presented her information in a very engaging manner and maintained my attention throughout the entirety of her lecture.  There is no mistaking that paper has had a massive impact throughout history and continues to play an essential role in our everyday lives.  

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